Den Aufzug im Brandfall bitte nicht benutzen. Vagyis, tuz eseten kerjuk, ne hasznaljak a liftet. Brandfall=tuzeset. Brand mint tuz, Fall mint eset. Nemetul. Angolul egy fokkal erdekesebb: brand mint marka, fall mint eses, bukas, esetleg amerikaiul osz. Tehat a brandfall lehet fall of the brands,…

Briefing. Casting. Shooting. Meeting. Branding. Starring. Training. Feeling. Market. Memo. Fax. Sale. Deal. Buzz. Puha Neon Fejlövés. Puha Neon Fejlövés. Slogan. Spot. Spam. Motto. Styling. Streaming. Hype. Logo. Image. Media. Press. Planning. Scanning. Stress. Poster. Folder. Leader. Filler.…

 Due to the recent economic crisis, stock market crash, bank failures, budget cuts, rising unemployment, unstable world conditions, outsourcing of business to foreign lands, the insane cost of insurance, electricity, petroleum, housing, taxes of all kinds, and general moral decay, the Light at…

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